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Top 5 Funny (& Motivational) Dissertation Memes on Pinterest

Posted in Dissertation printing (and writing!) on 20 April 2015

Several chapters into your dissertation and slowly losing the will to crack a smile? Let alone even dare to venture near your type-pad? Well, despair no more! For we have just the right remedy for getting you over this temporary speed hump you’re experiencing! Behold our Top 5 Funny Dissertation Pinterest picks below for the perfect motivational pick-me-ups….


1. Ryan Gosling ‘Hey Girl’

Always great inspiration for finishing that dissertation and believing in yourself – because Ryan believes in you, girl.



2. The Proclaimers: ‘I’m gonna Be (500 Miles/500 Words)’

The ULTIMATE dissertation themed song from our favourite ginger Scottish siblings.



3. Grumpy Cat keeping it real

She’ll tell you what your Facebook friends won’t.



4. Finding Nemo: ‘Just Keep Writing, Just Keep Writing’

Just keep writing, just keep writing on repeat, and NEVER give up – Nemo wouldn’t!



5. The aspirational seal closing the browser tabs

Ahhhh that ‘just completed finished my dissertation and double clicked save…I’m free!’ kinda feeling. This cool seal knows what we’re talking about.


Best of luck from The Doxtors. And don’t forget we’re still offering you 15% off printing and binding with the DISS15 voucher code!

Now go forth and conquer!
